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2009.06.13. 05:06 zsp

Negreanu utolsó kilenc napjához képest a maratoni futás egy könnyed kimelegedés.

1. Played the $10,000 Stud event at 5:00pm and finished at 3:00am. Came back the next day at 1:00pm and busted in 10th place.
2. At 5:00pm that same day I bought into the $2500 PLO/NLH event and played till 3:00am that night. I came back for day 2 at 2;00pm and cashed in 43rd at around 8:00pm.
3. After busting I headed straight to the $10,000 Mixed game event, an event I was forced to miss last year due to my limit hold'em win, and was second in chips after day 1 at 3:00am. I came back for day two, but busted out at around 7:00pm.
4. I jumped into the $2500 6 max limit hold'em event and played that until 3:00am. Came back for day two and played until 3:00am again. Finished second in that event at about 10:00pm and went straight to the other room for another event.
5. I played the $10,000 Omaha H/L event until 3:00am. Returned on day 2 at 2:00pm and again played until 3:00am. On day 3 we started up at 12:00pm and I went on to finish in 4th place at about 10:00pm.
6. At 10:00pm that night I jumped into the $3000 HORSE event and played until 3:00am. Returned today at 2:00pm and went broke at about 8:00pm.
7. I played the $10,000 2-7 NL Single Draw event and was eliminated at about 9:00pm.


Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: respect wsop negreanu 2009 wsop2009

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