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Egy amerikai Budapesten

2007.08.06. 09:14 zsp

Így látta egy amerikai a Tropicana kaszinót. Szerintem akik olvasták, azon is csodálkoznának, hogy nem lovon járunk. Itt egy példa, de érdemes elolvasni az egészet.
Since I've never really played roulette before, I was trying to figure out how to communicate to someone who speaks broken English that I want to bet exactly 2,350 forints on something when I don't have exact change for it, cause I didn't want to have to hand the dude like 5000 forints and then deal with those fake roulette chips because that just seemed confusing. Before I could arrive at a conclusion, the poker room dude saw me and said "You play Texas Hold'Em?" and I saw a few people sitting at a table. I asked "new game?" and he said "five players" and that sounded good so I went to go sit. Of course, this also means that I had to go back to the cashier and cash the $400 I'd worked so hard to re-obtain back into forints. I returned to the table with chips, only to discover that the game actually now had three players (including me) and what the dude was saying was that they need five players minimum to start a game. We sat around waiting for like 40 minutes before a couple more guys sat and we could get going.

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Címkék: szánalmas casino 2plus2 tropicana

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Sadist 2007.08.07. 14:18:28

\"A young guy says 10 meters to the left outside the casino; wtf, how long is a meter?\"

ahahah, SI mértékegység, ugyan már, minek az!

waki 2007.08.07. 14:31:42

ti is kiszurtetek a lenyeget

Dzsenaj 2007.09.10. 11:17:45

Sztem ironikusan irta, legalabbis a kov. mondat erre utal:

"go outside, construction is going on on both sides of the street and no ATM is in sight, so I end up walking what I estimated to be about 150 meters to a Citibank, of which there are many in Europe"
süti beállítások módosítása