ElkY has knocked out Richard Toth in third place. The two went on a pre-flop raising war, ending up all in. Toth was the short stack by some distance, and flipped over A-5, gutted to see ElkY's A-Q.[Kiemelés tőlem]
The flop of 3-6-7 gave Hungarian Toth the gutshot straight. Could he repeat ElkY's unlikely gutshot that won him that huge pot - and possibly the title - an hour before? No. Although the turn of 8 gave him more outs for a straight, the river was a J.
Toth, from Hungary, takes home an impressive €180,000 for his efforts. He had played with style, and was unlucky to lose not only that earlier hand to ElkY, but the one soon after when he called an all-in 7-2 bluff from Petersson, only to see his ace high outdrawn by a 2 on the flop.
Update 1: Horror
Magnus Petersson needed a double up, so what better hand to push with than 7-2 offsuit? Yup, Toth had raised to 55,000, so Petersson moved all in over the top for 429,000.
Toth went into the tank, and reluctantly called with A-9. Petersson was horrified and looked up to the sky. But wait, what's this? Ah yes, a flop of 2-5-Q putting the Swede ahead. The following K and J kept him there and he doubled up to more than 850,000, sending Toth down to less than a million.
Eredeti post: Koppenhágában most megy a European Poker Tour sorozat skandináv állomása. Már csak hárman maradtak, Tóth Ricsi nemrég még vezetett, most a második.
Éppen vacsoraszünet van, itt megy az élő (szöveges, nem tv) közvetítés. Mi nagyon drukkolunk, mi mást is tehetnénk. (Köszi, gn)
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